ROI Marcketing

The objectives of a good marketing campaign are as varied as the brands involved. Larger brands may emphasize visibility, especially to back up a large offline advertising campaign. Portals and publishers might emphasize the number of visitors and the average length of site visit. Transactional sites will tend to focus solely on the number and value of transactions made. 

Whatever the objective, transparent and accurate reporting is critical, as is the analysis needed to deliver meaningful information. 

  • Which PPC network is delivering the most cost-effective cost-per-click?
  • How is engine A comparing against engine B?
  • Is there a higher propensity for a user from search engine x to transact?
  • What is the campaign cost per acquisition?

Only when all involved have access to these kinds of metrics can we begin to refine and deliver an effective integrated search targeted campaign that delivers genuine Return On Investment (ROI).

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Search Engine Marketing is the practice used to capture a client’s target audience at the point of search. To utilize the opportunities within the search engines and directories to enhance the visibility of a client’s website, to those searching for a particular product or service.

Return On Investment (ROI)
Our search engine marketing services are focused on delivering a targeted Return On Investment (ROI) through search and other Internet marketing methods. Utilizing a combination of methodologies to enhance a client’s position within the search engines and directories, Kangamurra helps to increase new and repeat custom, brand awareness and online visibility, through the generation of new qualified traffic.

We offer individualized modular solutions, which focus on the specific objectives and budget requirements of each client. By concentrating on research and development, and delivering a highly managed service, we are able to provide fully transparent and accountable campaigns.